
My name is Michael and welcome to my portfolio website and blog. Here I document my adventures in cinematic music creation and more.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Single Released: Maritime Discoveries

Single Released: Maritime Discoveries

Aurora Eclipse Productions Ltd has released my first single which is on it’s way to the major digital music stores as we speak.

Maritime Discoveries is a dark ambient track I designed while studying at University. The track is build up entirely of “found sound”, no instrumentations have been used. I fused, stretched, pitched, layered, faded, reversed and essentially went a little mad during the design, which he says happened during a single evening.

I would like to think that the track is a perfect underscore to an underwater scene and very much hope ambient music lovers and underwater film makers will enjoy the track. Look out for it on your chosen music streaming platform, or pick up the track in the AEPL store.

Single Released: Dolour

Single Released: Dolour

Personatones Interview

Personatones Interview