
My name is Michael and welcome to my portfolio website and blog. Here I document my adventures in cinematic music creation and more.

Hope you have a nice stay!

New Industry Album: Film Noir: Dystopian Cinematic Sound Design

New Industry Album: Film Noir: Dystopian Cinematic Sound Design

Michael W. Bell Film Noir: Dystopian Cinematic Sound Design

Michael W. Bell
Film Noir: Dystopian Cinematic Sound Design

I’m really excited to announce the release of “Film Noir”, a dystopian sound design collection by myself that has just been released to the Film & TV industry for licensing.

This also marks our first collaboration with Izzy Swan; who designed the amazing cover artwork for me.

The album contains 59 sound design bursts aimed at true crime, sci-fi, and otherwise film noir TV productions who are in need of a sound design edge to complete their story.

Feel free to have a listen via the SoundCloud embed below and for licensing inquiries, use the Contact Us page over at the AEPL Website and Mike will guide you in the right direction!

Drumworks (In Collaboration with Adrian Croom)

Drumworks (In Collaboration with Adrian Croom)

Short Film: Fragments

Short Film: Fragments