All tagged youtube

1000 Subscribers Hit on YouTube!

Today I am met with some very strange feelings and thoughts… I definitely feel humble, but also very proud all at the same time! It’s all a bit of an ambivalent experience… I woke up a couple of days back to a YouTube Studio notification both alerting and congratulating me on my channel surpassing 1,000 subscribers. When I looked at the statistics to see what that really meant, it is the sum of 100,000 views and 312,000 minutes of watch time…

Patreon | Join Me On My Journey...

Who wants to come on a journey with me? If you are enjoying my videos, liking my work and want to see/hear more, you can partner with me here to directly support my music career... In return, let me take you on a journey! I’ll be showing you behind the scenes footage, sharing my latest news and updates with you before it's announced, giving copies of my latest music before it hits the stores.