
My name is Michael and welcome to my portfolio website and blog. Here I document my adventures in cinematic music creation and more.

Hope you have a nice stay!

1000 Subscribers Hit on YouTube!

1000 Subscribers Hit on YouTube!

Today I am met with some very strange feelings and thoughts… I definitely feel humble, but also very proud all at the same time! It’s all a bit of an ambivalent experience… I woke up a couple of days back to a YouTube Studio notification both alerting and congratulating me on my channel surpassing 1,000 subscribers. When I looked at the statistics to see what that really meant, it is the sum of 100,000 views and 312,000 minutes of watch time.

I’m in danger of sounding incredibly cliche here, but it really genuinely means a lot! I was really reluctant to start publishing to YouTube in the beginning, I was unsure if I had anything worth saying, guarded on sharing my approaches and honestly, I didn’t think I would make it past a couple of hundred subscribers, so to reach 1,000 is a big achievement for me.

I realise I have been a little slack at times keeping you guys updated this past year… With countless computer issues in the lead up to my new Mac, the studio moves, the secret projects, the cancelled projects, stress and just general unrest at times, it has been very hard to do much in the way of screen captured walkthroughs and overall, just difficult to keep on-top of new videos.. And I know the screen caps is something popular among all composers and music production enthusiasts (myself included), those videos actually amount to around 60% of my subscriber base, that is to say I picked up most of you guys directly from those videos.

This new milestone and the fact I’m currently in a great place mentally and working on my physical health while becoming much more productive and enjoying my new working studio… I feel in a better place to start sharing again and focusing more time towards my long suffering Patreons (again, thanks! I love you guys to death).

I already have some video suggestions which have come through on the channel which I am aiming to address over the next week, but please do feed back any other comments, suggestions, video ideas and I will do my best to deliver them in my own way to you guys.

I find the whole video creation process very rewarding, not only is it a great feeling to help people, rewarding when they manage to overcome a problem, or progress a track… It’s incredibly useful personally when breaking down your processes and tracks, it can be almost cathartic as it allows you to take a step back and understand your approach with more clarity. Many of us in all creative fields often find it hard to explain how we got to a specific place, this is probably because most new creativity happens in a place between order and chaos, when the subconscious mind locks us in and takes over, it’s a very intriguing experience. Going back and rewatching some of my early videos this week has been an eye opener in more ways than one and it’s just pushing me to upload and communicate more!

Much gratitude guys, see you all very soon!


Podcast - The Blue Ink Show: Episode 22: Mike Pro (late 2019)

Podcast - The Blue Ink Show: Episode 22: Mike Pro (late 2019)

Single Release: Revenge Is Sweet

Single Release: Revenge Is Sweet