Well, that is still open for debate, but I think the simple answer is yes, and if not right now, then it has the potential to do so very soon. But let’s delve a little further shall we?
My name is Michael and welcome to my portfolio website and blog. Here I document my adventures in cinematic music creation and more.
Hope you have a nice stay!
All in Talking in Rambles
Well, that is still open for debate, but I think the simple answer is yes, and if not right now, then it has the potential to do so very soon. But let’s delve a little further shall we?
I’m writing about these things because at a base level, we media composers are at least in some part observers; even nominally psychologists. It’s our job to see humans, hear stories, to imagine. We must try to understand the human experience if we are to attempt to communicate our findings through music or even sound. I’m also writing this as an antidote to my feelings of insanity on the subject, am I alone here? Is anyone else seeing or feeling this?
Hi, 2021, I’ve not written here for a while, but that may just begin to change! They say start or end with a quote and this one may seem out of place, but bear with me, all will make sense in the end… I’ve got a new iPad which I primarily bought for controlling Pro Tools for my music and audio projects, but it’s also been a welcome catalyst for getting me back into the healthy practice of note-taking, journaling and writing again; something I hope to continue practising diligently. I also want to publish my content somewhere that’s mine and with minimal risk of what is increasingly becoming a concern of mine, and that is censorship... Relentless censorship. Well, where else better than my website, after all, that’s what personal websites used to be for before the centralised world of platforms such as Facebook.
Firstly, stop attempting to change the way I think! Secondly, no! I don’t want to boost my post. This is a defining statement as I would say the second part of this was one of the strongest points of frustration for me when it came to being on Facebook, the first part, well we will get onto that later.
Communication! We hear that word so often and it really is the most important element of the human condition, yet sometimes we are so utterly useless at it.
For years the written blog was the "big" thing with everyone having an online blog published via Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger... The list goes on and on. I always loved the idea of it, but was basically not all that great at keeping up with it and couldn't really organise my thoughts on certain subjects all that well by simply typing. I mean given this is my first post this year, I'd be inclined to say I still suck at it!
So it occurred to me, why not do this via video? I love words, I really do, but I can ponce around for hours trying to get the terminology right and I'm always trying to find images to back what I'm saying as I don't always feel I can get my point across well enough in words. If you are recording a video, It can (and I'm not saying always), be much easier to get your point across and reach folks in a more multi-dimensional form of communication; I mean if speech is said to only count for around seven percent of our interaction with others, then surely words are open to all sorts of odd interpretation, especially if like me you don't feel all that great about some things you write…