All in Short Film

Short Film: Fragments

I was absolutely honoured to be asked by my friend and colleague Andrea Ratti if I could score his short film. Fragments… It was awesome to get back in the chair to compose the score and we adapted great working to get this completed during the COVID-19 lockdown! I hosted daily 3-5 hours private live streams in which Andrea could be with me in the session for guidance and spotting, it was just like having him in the same room in some ways!

Short Film: Crazy Woman Got A Gun

Mike recently completed the score for the short film "Crazy Woman Got A Gun" on behalf of AVA - All Visions Align. The short is currently circulating around the festivals ( notably #FilmCon18 and Cinefest in Los Angeles) before putting the project forward for funding in order to facilitate the production of the feature film...

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Documentary: One Day

I have just finished scoring "One Day", a short documentary film which has been created in the hope of raising mental health awareness worldwide. Both the film and the score have been released and can viewed/heard below. Having suffered from mental health issues myself in the past, it's a subject which is quite close to my heart... I very much hope you will find the time to watch the film and share it accordingly.

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Short Film: Blanket

Some months after announcing the completion of the trailer score, I am pleased to announce that I have now finished composing the score for the Silver Lining Pictures produced short film "Blanket".

The movie was filmed in just three days using a DSLR and has been described by producer Louis W. Frost as "A beautifully brutal romantic, story with a dramatic twist that will send your heart racing...".

I have kindly been given permission to release the soundtrack ahead of the film release and as such, the full length score is available to buy and stream via Aurora Eclipse Productions Ltd and all major digital stores.

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Short Film: Jogger

I was recently completed the score, sound design and final mix for the short film "Jogger".

Jogger is the second short film produced by Silver Lining Pictures during the summer of 2014 and the second time I have worked with director/actor Matthew Clark (Francis). The film was shot with no dialogue or location sound and as such, I was responsible for producing an original score, sourcing and manipulating foley and adding sound design to the film.

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Short Film: Survival

Survival is the first short film produced by Silver Lining Pictures during the summer of 2014 and shot on location in Eastbourne, East Sussex. I was luck enough to spend the day with the team during filming before taking on the responsibilities of for producing and mixing an original score for the short film.

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Short Film: Francis

I was approached by Matthew Clark who informed me that he was writing and starring in a short horror film and was looking for some original music and a few sounds effects for the film. The brief required an atmospheric orchestral score which would focus on the mood and drama of the picture. Whilst being emotive, the score would need to accompany in a way that would not detract from the visuals or narrative.

While adding ambient sound design elements to accompany the score, I also took on some extra duties to put sonic emphasis on the integral parts of horror within the narrative, for example; during the poem excerpt read by the main characters mother during the ghastly vision sequence, followed by the imaginary swarm of flies which were to chase the main character during the films final dramatic moment.

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