
My name is Michael and welcome to my portfolio website and blog. Here I document my adventures in cinematic music creation and more.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Cover Song: After Burner II Soundtrack

Cover Song: After Burner II Soundtrack

So today was my “day off”, after doing some general tidying up, chilling out, catching up on the whole COVID-19 issues, calling family and friends and watching some TV, I was missing making music. I didn’t want to do anything too heavy so figured I’d mess around and do a cover track... Here's one for you video game enthusiasts! In the form of a rock/orchestral cover of the After Burner 2 Soundtrack! If you want me to do more, let me know!

Listen on Spotify
Buy on Bandcamp

Short Film: Fragments

Short Film: Fragments

Band: SkyQuaker - Thank God for Rock and Roll

Band: SkyQuaker - Thank God for Rock and Roll